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Poster Fundraiser


"I dedicate my life to those too gentle to live among wolves."

This has been KohlQuest's battle cry for decades as it has been quietly helping individuals identify and change habits, attitudes, and perceptions that can foster verbal and physical abuse. 


We've touched a lot of people in all those years.


We need to touch a lot more. Here's why.


Domestic violence is not one couple's problem or one family's heartache. It's not a "he" or "she" problem. It's a community problem and a national disgrace. Home is now the most dangerous place for women, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The FBI reported 20 people in the United States were assaulted every minute by their partners. 20 people every minute!


The financial burdens to victims, taxpayers, and the criminal justice system are astronomical. Domestic violence  causes victims to lose more than eight million work days every year. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine puts the cost of intimate partner violence at nearly $3.6 trillion.  $3.6 trillion! 


And these figures are just for starters.


That's why KohlQuest is asking your organization to help us extend our efforts to slay the deadly domestic violence dragon victimizing our neighborhoods by collaborating with us on a New Beginning Poster fundraiser aimed at creating a deeper public awareness of how verbal and physical abuse affects every one of us.


The New Beginning Poster is not just another poster.


The beloved award-winning photographic image of a ewe and her newborn lamb, from author Prudence Kohl's classic book, Hole in the Garden Wall, now has an important job to do and your help is vital to its success. We want everyone who sees this poster to know it belongs to a Dragonslayer, a person who conscientiously is changing his or her life, in big or small ways, to build a more compassionate coexistence among human beings so as to reduce the number of domestic violence incidents.


We hope everyone in your organization will want to be a dragonslayer, too. Here's how that can happen.




Purchase posters at a per poster cost of $6.95 in quantities of 100 or more and earn a whopping $8.00 return on every poster you sell. You do your own order fulfillment and distribution to your members, or generate funds by selling poster directly to the public at special events.


At $6.95 /poster, that's 55% off our retail price of $14.95. But you can set your poster sale price anywhere you please if you want to receive an even larger return on each sale.


Contact KohlQuest directly for more details: 828 288 0730

or go to our Contact page and send us your message.


We urge you to become the "I" in our battle cry and join other Dragonslayers who are using their talents and time to address the blight of verbal and physical abuse wherever it is found.






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