This 136-page Dragonslayers Handbook is a critical reference on verbal abuse and how its insidious facets too often escalate into physical abuse. Verbal abuse is the silent murderer --- it kills by demeaning darts and arrows repetitively flung at a victim until she no longer believes in her self-worth, sanity, or any feeling of safety in her home. Verbal abuse is domestic violence, physical abuse's twin predator and this Handbook explores how the two are indivisibly linked.
The Dragonslayers Handbook
Domestic violence is a growing epidemic in this country, one that continues to exact a staggering price on the physical, emotional, mental, and financial health of our society. In the past, domestic violence has been mislabeled a family matter or a concern only to those at poverty levels. We now understand that abusers and victims come from all races, genders, socioeconomic classes, ages, religious affiliations, and environmental backgrounds.
We now know verbal and physical abuse is a very public issue taxing our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, families, police, civil courts, prisons, our criminal justice systems, emergency rooms, and social services.
We now know the cost of intimate partner violence (IPV) is nearly $3.6 trillion dollars. $3.6 trillion. That breaks down into $2 trillion in medical costs and $73 billion in criminal justice expenses.
While cases of domestic violence, particularly physical or child abuse, are frequently highlighted in the media, one aspect of domestic violence goes virtually unnoticed---verbal abuse. We believe verbal abuse is the seed of all domestic violence.
It is present in an alarming number of relationships, obviously more often than not without either partner addressing the abuse. To correct this oversight, Part One of The Dragonslayers Handbook is devoted to identifying the power plays and manipulation tactics of verbal abusers and the invisible emotional devastation suffered by their victims.
Part Two gives a definitive overview of physical abuse with viable suggestions, insights, and checklists on how to become aware of any red flags that indicate verbal or physical abuse is in your relationships or those of people you care about.
Every day, human service providers, counselors, teachers, therapists, and medical practitioners witness the devastating effects of domestic violence on the people they serve. This Handbook was prepared to be used as a tool for recognizing verbal abuse as the seed to domestic violence, identifying victims and the abusers of both verbal and physical abuse, and expanding public awareness of these two heads on the dragon we call domestic violence.
Handbook Details:
- 136 pages of text, charts, and illustrations
- 8-1/2 x 8-1/2 overall size
- Perfect bound paperback book
- ISBN 978-0-945299-02-8
- Published by Cyrano Guildmaster Publishing
- $14.95
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